【有奖活动】眼科医生英语临床日记Eye doctors’ Diaries on Everyday Clinic Work 对很多战友而言,读英文文献没有太大问题,但用英文写作却较为吃力。为给大家提供练习英文写作的机会,我们开设了“眼科医生英语临床日记”这个平台。大家可以在这里以回帖形式发表自己的日记。日记的内容……白天接到一个老外患者,与他有过一段“生硬”的交流——晚上赶紧记录下来,细细研究……突然有临床上的少许困惑、点滴感悟,想与大家分享,又嫌内容太少,用中文似乎小题大做——记在英语日记里……没什么特别的,只是想练练笔,免得英文写作日渐生疏,给老外朋友写信都提不起笔——只要不是隐私的东西,尽可以在这里练……有几点需要说明……1. 眼科医生(eye doctor)在这里只是代称,既包括住院医师(resident),也包括见习医生(intern)、主治医师(attending physician)、(副)主任医师(associate chief physician)、(副)教授(<associate> professor)、ophthalmologist(眼科专家)等战友,不要因为这个词把自己排除在外!2. 虽名曰临床,只是因为临床上的内容可能更生动有趣,分享科研中的困难和收获亦是万分欢迎!3. 请大家在回帖时务必修改主题名称,专业相关者加上专业名,如可以使用“【眼底病】今天诊治眼底病病例的收获”、“【青光眼】一例复杂青光眼病例”,或者【综合】【其它】等主题名,方便战友选择性阅读和版主加分,不要留下“Re: 眼科医生英语临床日记……”作为主题。不改主题的帖子得不到加分(注:点击右上方的thread进入该模式可以清楚的看到每篇回帖的主题)4. 与学术相关的日记能获得加分,与学术完全无关的日记一般不加分,但若确实文笔优美,真情实感,亦会得到加分,;内容丰富、文笔好的日记每篇都能得分,字数较少的日记单篇不加分,但只要积极参与,版主看在眼里,会在几篇日记后给予累积加分5. 开始肯定觉得写起来困难,可以先少写几句,随便写两句,甚至“today I’m happy because one of my patients told me that I’m handsome” 都可以。只要每天坚持,时间长了必定有所收获;也不用害羞自己的语法错误暴露于众目睽睽之下——除非你要求,没人会对你的日记品头论足。6.严禁抄袭.7.对于积极参与活动的前三位会员加分从宽.不积跬步,无以至千里……眼科版...er从零开始,从点滴做起! 以上内容参考了口腔版相关活动.在此向口腔版版主lesenhower 表示感谢.eg.数码相机在眼科的应用.the Using of Digital Camera in OphthalmolgyI'm glad to have finished the article of "the using of digital camera in ophthalmolgy ",which I'v been longing for finishing it for more than one year.Although I'v determined to name it as "the Practical Using of Digital Camera in Ophthalmolgy (2rd)" for the reason that one similar article has been pubulished in some "mazine about ophthalmology" before, I make up my minds to rename it as "the Using of Digital Camera in Ophthalmology".If the articl could offer some kind of help to some young Chinese eye doctors, I'll be happy! For the reason that I'm not familar with typesetting and making PDF documents, the pictures in the "article" are not completed parts.Typesetting is so important! 由于不熟悉排版软件的使用和PDF文件制作,所以效果还不理想.--------------------------------------------------------------------------------Good Luck to Dr.Shuan Dai and Your Family Dear Dr.Shuan Dai:Havn't seen your conment in the Ophthalmogy Board in DXY Forum for many months,many friends,inculuding the moderators,are looking forarwd to getting message about you.How about you now?From the e-Mail 6 months before ,I learned that you are too busy now.There is a report about your representation in "the annual meeting of the American Academy of Pediatric Ophthalmology and Strabismus" in an Ophthalmology news magzine.Then I learned that you'v participated some important Ophthalmology Meeting in American.好久未见Shuan Dai医生了.I would like to wish you a joyous new year and espress my hope for your happiness and good future.It’ s a good idea.As an eye doctor,I came from a little city,but I‘v learned lot's of knowlage from DXY,and I"ll continue to take part in the discusion in the Ophthalmoloty Board in DXY Forum,therefore,I'll achieve more. I will take more attention to it and enjoy it.------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------很好的讨论,我来自一座小城,不过我在DXY学到了很多,我会继续参与论坛眼科版的专业讨论,因此我会获得更多.我会一如既往的参与其中的.Thanks for your guide .I’ ve learned lot’s of english knowlage again.he he ,I’ve forgot more english ,and I hope more and more eye doctor enjoy DXY to learn ophthalmolgy english.----------------------------------------------------------------------------------谢谢帮助,又一次学到了知识,哈哈,我忘记了很多英语方面的知识,希望越来越多的眼科医生喜欢学习眼科英语.[case discussion] a little child seemed like RB?Friday 26th,Jan,2007 sunnyToday afternoon I went to join cases-discussion in the hospital (in-patient department).I saw a little patient,the situation was as follows:1). the patient, female,one year and two months years old;2). main complaint: her parents has found "white pupil" of her left eye for 3 days.3). PE: [the little patient was uncooperative] OS: cornea was smooth,the pupil was 5mm in diameter,direct light reflex was weak,through the bigger pupil ,we saw a mission of yellow-white inside the vitreous,which seemed to be vascular or blood clots above the yellow-white mission.4). supplementary examination: a) B-ultrasound Scan: OD: normal; OS: eye axial was much shorter than norma l, and the echo signals of vitreous was homogeneous,high density,no marked mass border. b)CT of orbit: OD: normal; OS: left eye was smaller in size, high-density in vitreous cavity,no marked mass border,almostly like the B-ultrasound Scan,and the lacrimal gland enlarged of this lateral. After a long time hot debate,most experts were not inclined to the diagnosis of retinoblastoma. Because they thought there were not enough evidence to prove that tumor. But except for only one condition,---spontaneous necrosis of RB. That would undoubtedly the best result. At last in my diary,bless this lovely child------GOOD LUCK!Thank millenium for giving me the opportunity to increase my scores.An old female inpatient asked for examation time after time. We met her requirements all along. But last night, when she complained once again about her eye pain, the nurse on duty shouted at her, " you were examined only 2 hours ago, and nothing was wrong with you. It is an emergency time! No emergency, no call, understand?"The old woman sobbed out her unfair treatment this morning. Our chief apologied to her and calmed her down. After a careful examaniation, the damage of the corneal was found out. Gosh, it was totally the faults of the doctor and the nurse.We should be patient with the patients and we must. I felt sorry when the woman said, "Chief always acts as a chief. You youngers will never come to."SATURDAY 27th,Jan,2007HELLO ,EVERYONE I am glad to see you and hear your voice here,and thank you "mottled bamboo" for give us a chance to express us in English. Several days ago ,a German came to our hospipal and ask for "CK"again,and this was his second time .One year before,he received the first surgery in our hospital ,afterwards he got 1.0 on his left eye,but the visual acuity declined recently.So we see him again. The surgery was performed by our superintedent,smoothly and successfully……The following day he came back for examination.After checking up,we put a eye cup on his left eye .He smiled and said :"oh, it is like a pirate " when he putting his hands around his head . “HAHA " "you know ,pirate? " " yeah, black” “OH,yes bye nice to meet you " ……Last day,I met an outpatient. He was diagnosed with chorioidal carcinoma nigrum. He was a herdsman,very poor. He abolished the radiation treatment to Beijing, and wanted to removed the eyeballin my hospital. MRI and B-ultrasound proved the diagnosis.I want to know how much the radiation treatment for this kind of illness and which hospital is the best choice for this kind of illness.Last day,I met an outpatient. He was diagnosed with chorioidal carcinoma nigrum. He was a herdsman,very poor. He abolished the radiation treatment to Beijing, and wanted to removed the eyeballin my hospital. MRI and B-ultrasound proved the diagnosis.I want to know how much the radiation treatment for this kind of illness and which hospital is the best choice for this kind of illness.first ,thanks millenium for giving us the chance to increase the scores .Today,I write a paper about phaco ,aha,I'm tired,but cheerful.It is a limitation for an eye doctor to concern diseases only in ophthalmology. A 63 year old female patient complained the rapid decrease of her visual acuity for 1 week, meanwhile with the numbness of her fingers. She was diagnosed as vitreous hemorrhage. Since she has diabetes mellitus for 7 years and her Glu>10mmol/l, both we and the endocrinologist thought her numbness was attributed to the peripheral nerves. And the vitreous hemorrhage, of course, was induced by the diabetes retinopathy. And we gave her hemostatic treatment by mistake.After two days in my hospital, she complained that her arms were unable to move. We gave her an emergency MRI to find out the cerebral infarction. We felt sorry for having ignore the possibility of the vital disease even if the sign showed up.I wrote our mistakes here to remind you doctors to think more to each sign.Saturday,3rd,Feb,2007 Fortunately, I got a chance to practice my internship in Eye & ENT hospital of Fudan University before my graduation from Wenzhou Medical College. The days in such distinguished hospital have broadened my horizon and deepened my thoughts. With a dream to upgrade my professional kownledge and clinical skills as well, I applied for the graduate of Eye & ENT hospital. After the graduate entry exam, I am waiting for the result and meanwhile preparing for the further interview as an essential procedure. Every effort,I believe, will pay off.This morning, a woman of about 50 years old came to the fundus disease clinic with a complaint of distorted and blurred vision in both eyes for several years. Under the slitlamp with a 90D lens, the macular regions were slightly detached and there was only a very small retinal hemorrhage spot under the upper vascular arcade. The FFA showed hypofluorescence in macula in the early stage, then it became hyperfluorescence and stained in the late stage. I thought it might be a kind of CNV, but the professor thought there was no related hemorrhage seen under ophthalmoscope examination, so we sended the woman for a OCT testing, when the images were taken back, I saw the macula edema and detached RPE layer but did not notice the traction in the vitreoretinal interface between posterior vitreous and the macula until the professor pointed it to me, so I came to the right diagnosis: vitreomacular traction syndrome. How interesting it is to me. hehe.As an ophthalmologist working in one of the poorest area in China, I have been facing so many difficulties, and the patients with eye diseases are facing even more difficulties than us. Due to the lack of ophthalmic equipment, we couldn’t improving the quality of patient care and treatment in out hospital, but even if we have the best equipment, the patients don’t have money to pay the bill, especially for the elderly patients with cataract in both eyes, what they could do is waiting for the ophthalmic team come to be treated free of charge. It means they have to wait for at least one year, and late, if he or she is luck enough, receive the treatment but not necessarily good of quality. All men are created equal, yes, but not all men are equal in the society.Friday 9th,Feb,2007 sunnyThank you "mottled bamboo" for give us a chance to express us in English.Not a long time since I was adimitted into graduate academy. I go to the clinic to help my boss.One day an American girl came to the hospital and ask for treatment .I wasso nervous. beacuse wy boss asked me to examine her .my spoken english is poor .I spoken with her in rough english .finnally ,we completed the communication with the help of body language. she gave me her mobil phone and dormitory number , and we appointed the next time . but unfortunately my boss is absent that day ,so I must appoint another time . I called her mobile fhone , with the answer "sorry the number your dialed is out of service" then I dialed the dorm number, the answer was a man's voice .OH my god ,she gave me the wrong number .how can i do it ? my technical eglishis so bad that I cannot cope with her ,God help me !!! So ,from I will try my best to learn English.I was quite happy when I got one more score from the English diary that I wrote a few days ago, but, to my surprise, I didn’t see any other’s diary or topic notes since alit13135189417 wrote in Feb, 9th, almost a week has passed. Is that because every dear ophthalmologist is very busy to see their patients or with hundreds and thousands of housework because the Spring Festive is coming soon? However, I see many new topics were written in Chinese. So, what the real reason under the surface? For our department, we are busy. The patients with eye injured by firecracker are increasing, see, even before the Festive. Last night, a 6-year-old boy came to Emergence department and the doctor on call was happen to be a junior doctor, so I was be phoned and came to the hospital. Outside was very cold, when I saw this boy, however, my heart was colder. The boy’s lift eye was totally damaged, and with no chance to rehabilitation of sight. What can I do? Prevent is better than treatment. As an ophthalmologist, there is a duty for us to inform people to take care of their eyes, especially for the young. If you have some comments, please write down here, then we can have a discuss, and learn from each other.It is a good and helpful suggestion proposed by qinghaidavid.First of all, education is the most important. Tell children to get far away from danger is necessary. Show them the horrible aftermath to make sure that they truly realize it. Maybe we cannot keep one eye on children all the time, but we can teach them to use their own eyes. Second, watch close the kids in case that they touch dangerous things. Pay more on a kid, get more intelligent a kid. Carefulness makes parents eximious. Last but not the least, to keep the environment safe. Don't make dangerous thins so easily for kids to get. If adults have no awareness on the prevention of injury, how can they require kids to be conscious?Let us not feel pitiful for the injured kids any more. Let the unmindful parents not feel sorry for their unwariness. And let the innocent kids not regret and suffer for their ignorance in lifetime.In July, I will obtain my master degree ,but I am not really happy. It is so hard to say goodbye to my campus where I spent my most precious times of my life .And there are so beautiful memories left in my brain . but I know i must move on .It is time for us to became a true doctor , however, it is so difficult to get a job for a guy who is new from college in these years. I am fortunate to have got a job from a well-known hospital ,but most of my classmates are still busily looking for a nice job . I think the unsuccessful education system give rise to curious situation as it did in us .Now the education is just like a industry that manufacture graduated students , and not for education itself but for money.More students and less jobs ,getting out of the gate of collage equals getting in the guoup of people without jobs.I think education is just education ,never should became an industry .It should became a culture and a power which can support the development of our country .so much for my complaint . I am very glad to enjoy this topic , exactly we should often exercise english .English is a very important tool ,especially for a doctor. it is the difference between chinese and indians who learn english as a second mother language. More exercise more progress .let us just do it !I would like to share my experience on English learning with lixiong0428 and other friends.As millenium says, we may have little trouble in English reading, but most of us think English writing tough. Once I read the articles in nature, I felt like reading a story. I was surprised that even science papers could be expressed in so simple and interesting language. I compared papers written by Chinese and English people, and found that the former was some bit like a translation.Several years ago, I was asked to translate an abstract. I did it word by word and asked an Indian friend for suggestion. I was puzzled since he said, “I can’t totally understand you.” He said he never learnt the sentences or the expressions in their textbook. He expressed things straight. And he never made a science affair scientific but directly told a story. I realized that I have to change my Chinese thinking into English since then. The change is hard and I am still trying.To improve our English thinking, abounding reading and listening is necessary. And, believe it or not, I would tell you there is a simple principle, to write in simple English.English teacher will tell you “a good article is a good structure”. Yes, structure makes the article clear and easy to read. It won’t be enough to pay attention to the structure. Use conjunction as frequently as you can as well as cut the sentences as short as you can. I think a good writer can expresses in the simplest way to make sure the fluency of the article. For example, we may say “look for a word in the dictionary”, while an Englishman may just say “use dictionary”. Why not we change our minds when we are in trouble in the prolix sentences? Read it, write it, feel it, and use it, I am sure we can handle English. Let’s keep on trying.Thanks.Wish everybody a happy new year!a patient was seen today with complaint of diminished vision of bilateral eye of 2 years duration.she is a 20 year-old girl.anterior segment examination show nothing abnormal,fundus examination revealed peripapillary osteoma bilaterally compliacted with cystoid macular edema,transpupillary thermotherapy was suggested to her,and the vision change will not be known until long-term follow-upa patient was seen today with complaint of diminished vision of bilateral eye of 2 years duration.she is a 20 year-old girl.anterior segment examination show nothing abnormal,fundus examination revealed peripapillary osteoma bilaterally compliacted with cystoid macular edema,transpupillary thermotherapy was suggested to her,and the vision change will not be known until long-term follow-upa 58-year-old woman was seen with metamorphopsia in her right eye of 1 month duration,her best corrected vision was 0.2 in this eye,fundus examination showed yellowish subretinal dots,fluorescein angiography and optical coherence tomography was suggested .unfortunately she can't have the ffa due to high blood pressure,optical coherence tomography through different angles through the fovea showed disruption in the photoreceptorlayer under the fovea with the presence of the small hyporeflective areassuggestive of presence of cysts in the inner retina.the patient elected to recieve intravitreal triamcinolone acetonide injection.the vision acuity is still unknown until her next reexaminationa diagnosis of juxtafoveal telangiectasia was made for the present based on the clinical appearance .a 25 year old woman was seen last month,she complained of diminished vision in left eye for one week.Her visual acuity was 0.3.No poliosis ,no vitiligo or anterior uveitis,fundoscopy examination showed localized retinal detachment inferiornasal to the optic disc.she was diagnosed as harada disease ,so oral and focal corticosteroid was suggested.Following fluorescein angiography showed several but not multipal hyperfluorescent dot in early phase and expanding dot sign subsequently.In late phase dye pooling inferiornasal to disc confirmed to the local retinal detachement.corticosteroid was cancelled,krypton laser photocoagulation was given aiming to the expanding dot.Her visual acuity has improved to 0.4 now.Thus we had conclusion that FFA helps in diagnosing and differentiating pigmental disease such as VKH and ICSC.to reply the question above.First, it is much more complicated a phenomenon than you may think. Chromatic vision, as a branch of neuroscience, is not well known yet. The unusual color sense may induced by series of disorders.Myopia may be one cause. A blurred image surely reduces the quality of imaging. It can be well understood by a shutterbug. However, other causes are probably more important, such as the sensitivity of light receptors, the density of cones and rods, the release of neuron transmittors, and so on.Visual science is complicated but interesting. Today, worldwide doctors of ophthalmology, together with neuroscientises, are bending to visual research. The phenomenon will be perfectly explained sooner or later.Support the editor, and wish this edition be much better Yesterday morning I went to see eye doctors. Maybe due to watching TV lately or playing computer games too much, I feel my eyes too dry and very uncomfortable. Eye drying make me even be afraid of meeting with blowing wind, and that almost drave me mad. I don’t know what make that at the beginning. . And not apply to doctors, however, feeling lately become more and crueler, so I determined to go to a hospital consulting an eye doctor. I went to HuaXi Hospital in Chengdu, having waited outside for a very long time, thinking of that having squandered time very much. I went to consult a postgraduate majored in ophthalmology, and he let me get a kind of drug eye drop. Thereupon, I went to one drugstore right away, bought that eye drop. And then returned to school immediately.I soon taken the eye drop after returning to school according to medicine explanation which I think is very simple. Because I am a doctor too and can get it easily. Two days later, my eyes healed.. From that I feel myself still too weak in eye's protection consciousness. Often, , net surfing lasts more than ten hours a day but not paying attention to eyes ’relaxing .Though I am wearing a glasses now , many things are still unable to see clearly. Can’t not restrain myself playing games and the impulsion in watching TV more and more at the same time. Exceeding self-indulgent around me harmful, and a kind of guilty conscience comes increasingly right now with this ophthalmology clinic experience.In the afternoon I want to get a pair of new glasses for my eyes and went a private eye clinic. The eye doctor (in fact I also don’t know whether he is a real eye doctor as he described to others) examined my eyes for a while, and then criticized me not protecting my eyes well., not only get myopia but has astigmatism. Then I asked how much that will cost me, “500 Yuan.” Immediately he replied. Oh, God, too expensive. Feeling very gloomy I finally gave up. I do not get the new glasses for eyes. And I dreamed oneday when I graduated I myself has worked to support my eyes’ operation cost, being looking forward to that day's coming, and then I wouldn’t wear my glasses any more.farica wrote:An old female inpatient asked for examation time after time. We met her requirements all along. But last night, when she complained once again about her eye pain, the nurse on duty shouted at her, " you were examined only 2 hours ago, and nothing was wrong with you. It is an emergency time! No emergency, no call, understand?"The old woman sobbed out her unfair treatment this morning. Our chief apologied to her and calmed her down. After a careful examaniation, the damage of the corneal was found out. Gosh, it was totally the faults of the doctor and the nurse.The old lady I mentioned a month ago came back to our hospital today. She was mad at us for her surgery of correction of entropion. She complained about pain in right eye last month and it was concerned as cornea damage caused by trichiasis or allergy to eye drops. Fortunately her cornea was repaired well at that time. But it happened again.Chief of our department check the woman in person. "Glaucoma," he said at his first glance, "she has an eye pain. she has edema of cornea epithelium. And her pupil is enlarged. Can't you see that obvious a sign? Why didn't you just give her a test about IOP?"Why? Because she had trichiasis. Because she had required for a surgery on her eyelids. Because we were satisfied at finding the cornea damage which can cause the annoying pain. Our thinking were bounded on one obvious disease, which made us neglect the hidden ones. It is an experience, also it is a lesson for us.a young lady who complained of fixed scotoma inferiorly of the visual field in left eye of 1 week duration came to out-patient clinic today.The visualacuity is 1.0 in this eye.Fundus examination with binocular indirect ophthalmoscope reavealed a round grey-black tumor is located on superior retina,almost 3 DD away from the optical disc.B type ultrasonograph showed the tumor is almost 4mm long in diameter and 0.8mm high.FFA found hypofluorescent in early stage and hyperfluorescent in late phase.According to its contour and colour ,a clinical diagnosis of choroidal melanocytoma was made although this disease is usually located on or adjacent to the opticdisc.Finally the patient was offered a fundus photography for documentation of growth and a following obeservation.